Tabletop with friends

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How it works

  • Drag drop your map image - to create a map.
  • Drag drop your token image - to create a token on a map.
    Animated gifs work, because... why not?
  • Invite friends by email.
    note: we only support gmail for now
  • Chat with friends in real time.
  • Roll dice by sending a chat message like !2d20+4d6
  • Can you spot who is dead already?
  • DM can toggle health bars with Alt+H.
    DM can also show token names using Alt+N.

  • You can now sprinkle your maps with books, shelves, and whatever you need. You can also easily clone a prop, to have a second book, a third, and more!

  • Characters can now grab items on the map and store them in the inventory.
    You can also drop the item onto the map from character's inventory.

  • In combat, left click your target to display predefined rolls for hitting, shooting and damage.
  • Drop mp3 on the map to play it for everyone! You can play, pause, and everyone hears the same part!
    Note: only the DM controls the music.
  • Use + and - to scale your map to find the right size.
  • Press G to turn the grid on and off.
    Note: we only support hex grid for now, unless your map already has the grid on it - then you can just use it, any grid will work.
  • Any token you have previously created - you can reuse on other maps.
  • Right click on a token to edit, change name or change HP.
  • We have handouts: drop an image file to share with everyone on the map. Quick and easy!
  • Who makes the map - becomes the map owner/DM.
  • DM can change map size by using NUM+ and NUM-
  • DM can also toggle hex-grid by ALT+G
  • DM can play music for everyone at the same time, by just dropping an mp3 file on the map, or picking it from the mp3 files already uploaded before.
  • DM controls the combat tracker, but anyone can roll initiative for any of your tokens.
  • You can ask Oracle (our bot) for random ?monster in the chat.
  • Oracle can also answer ?yes or no questions.
  • We have more options coming for Oracle, like ?loot or ?encounter

  • Lack of a quick NPC to fill the void? You can find buttons to automatically generate NPC token, along with name, how the look, personality traits, and stats.

Support Us is free, but we need help to keep the server up.


You can now give your map to a friend!
Added button to save chat contents to a text file.
Making the tags easier to use on the welcome screen.
Some bugfixes.
Added search to Vampire sheets, when adding disciplines, merits, etc.
Added convenience button to close sheet popup on the map view.
Changed ping function to work under double-click.
The DnD+Scifi engine is back.
Right clicking on a token goes straight to character sheet by default now. But if you want the old window with ability to change token into a prop - then hold ALT when right-clicking.
Vampire character sheets now include skill specialties. Right click a skill to add a specialty.
You can now tag your maps, and filter by the tags. When running a campaign, or a oneshot, you can keep items together using a tag - and quickly find what you need.
Added ability for DM to hide or show tokens from the players.
You can now leave any map you have been invited to (clean up the list).
The vampire character randomizer was improved not to randomize too powerful characters.
You can now log in using any email address (don't have to use gmail). Just use "Sign in with OracleTabletop".
Vampire rerolls now automatically use willpower.
Vampire disciplines now automatically add blood potency bonus.
More disciplines added to vampire engine.
Added proper vampire dice with ankhs!
More disciplines added to vampire engine.
Bug fixed when displaying health changes and when working with multiple browser tabs.
Some polish and buttons to generate NPC from a thin air.
Oracle will now help you out when creating NPCs!
Whenever you drop a new token on the map, with numbers in the name - it will generate random name for it and some random stats (works for the vampire system), and personality traits.
Vampire sheets got an update. Improved readibility, some changes to the UI when adding disciplines, proper handling of health and willpower dots.
Minor UI improvements on the map view.
Vampire sheets just got a separate merits and flaws section.
You can now easily willpower re-roll up to 3 dice and get a corrected result with 1 click.
Updated character sheets for all systems. You can now trigger many rolls, saving throws, initiative rolls - from the character sheet.
Welcome screen now has new buttons, smaller map miniatures, friends list, and loads faster.
We have added Vampire the Masquerade 5e to the list of engines.
Next to the Google login, you can now also create a local account with any email.
On the welcome screen we have added buttons to filter maps, tokens and everything by the game system you use - to help you find the relevant items faster.
Right clicking on handouts on the welcome screen gives you an easy option to copy a link to the image. That link you can then share with anyone you want.
Token names now appear below the player nicknames, right from the start.
More space for the token/prop picking dialog boxes.
Anyone can now update their nickname.
You can now send invite links or share them with all your friends, without inviting them one by one.
Default music volume lowered to 5. You can set volume by chat command !volume5 (measured from 0 to 99).
Last moved token appears unders a person name, so you can see who is playing which character.
You can press shift to use ruler.
We are now moved to a new domain:
With some bugfixes, optimization and minor visual improvements.
And our sci-fi setting is coming up nicely...
Players can now give their tokens to other players.
Added a button to pop up the chat window, due to multiple requests.
Added a second engine, a homebrew scifi setting similar to DnD.
Maps, tokens, props, handouts - are now showing up based on the engine/setting used by the map.
Added walking distance.
Added targetting distance.
Added counters for spell slots, rages, sorcery points, etc.
You can add them in the character builder.
Characters can now grab items on the map and store them in the inventory.
You can also drop the item onto the map from character's inventory.
The d4 displays correctly now.
Fixes to synchronization issues.
Fixed zoom.
Fixed combat tracker sync issues.
Fixed bloodsplatter sizing.
Added option for DM to remove token from combat tracker.
Players can no longer move props, as it caused issues during gameplay.
Fixed combat targetting on left click.
Fixed quick HP adding/removing UI.
Added combat reset button.
Ping now works on long-press and is more visible.
Handouts are no longer getting doubled.
Loss of health can be gradually seen with increasing amounts of blood.
Added zooming. Use mouse wheel.
Added props. You can now sprinkle your maps with books, shelves, and whatever you need. You can also easily clone a prop, to have a second book, a third, and more!
DM can now toggle healthbars and names using Alt+H and Alt+N
Added character sheets. Very simple ones.
Hit and damage rolls can now be targetted on other token.
DM can now move everyone to another map.
Added remove button for tokens on a map.
Added pin to the chat.
Oracle now answers to ?help
You can change music volume in 0-9 scale by sending chat message !volume3
Grid can be turned on and off anytime.
Map can also be resized by the DM using NUM+ and NUM-
Added handouts.
Everyone can upload and share an image with others, but be careful not to annoy your DM!
Added combat tracker!
Now everyone can roll for initiative and see who's next!
Added music player!
You can now drop mp3 onto your map, and let your players listen to same music while you play.
You can now see your tokens and music on the dashboard.
Anyone can draw on a map! Toggle mouse to pen with CTRL+D, but if you own a wacom android tablet - you can just draw with the pen anytime!
Added option to change map name, by right clicking on it. Available only for the map owner.
Added news and updates to home page.
Added contact forms links to the home page.
Added how it works section on the home page.
Added ?loot keyword for Oracle.
Registered a new domain
Set up login with Google.
Now we have 3d dice!